Monday, December 19, 2005

Chilled out and ready for some shopping!

I am an advanced open water diver! After 5 days of cancellations due to the windy weather conditions, we finally got to finish the course today... as they had to take us out because it's our last day on the island!

The weather conditions weren't great still (too windy!) so we were the only ones going out, which meant we had the entire boat to ourselves... result! The 1st dive was pants, with <1m vis, but the 2nd and 3rd were pretty cool, lots of nemo-esque fishes and corals to oogle.

So back to Bankok tomorrow to get the xmas pressies before we start the 13hr thai airways slog back to blighty. Thai airways are decent enough, but there's none of that all singing, all dancing screen per person jazz that Cathay and co have these days, just the lonely old single screen in the middle for everyone to rubberneck at!

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