Friday, December 30, 2005

Back in good old (cold) blighty!

Merry Xmas, ho ho ho and all that. Weird to be back!

HOW COLD IS IT! Nice to have snow on the ground though, makes the place look nice (going all soft aren't I).

Had a good xmas in Skeggie with Kat and family, being fed and watered from all angles continuously for 3 days..... brilliant! Bored everyone to death with the 727 photo's we had printed out in Bankok - for a wonderful 3p each... result!

Yes, I admit it... I am "Mr. Tight" at the moment. After NZ and especially after Thailand I simply cannot bare spending money! My mind cannot escape the 'Rip off Britain' mode, but I'll get back into things soon enough.... when I get a (da-da-daaaaaaar) JOB.

Right, enough about the working thing. Looking forward to new years in Nottingham before heading down to London for the new year... and the new adventure!

Happy New Year!

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