Sunday, January 29, 2006

A touch of class...

I like weekends. People do interesting things at weekends. Some people do nothing but laze about at home at weekends. Admittedly I have done that before, but whenever possible I do like to do something.

This weekend we caught up with some of the uni-crew at their place it Putney... luvverly area that is. They haven't changed a bit! A typical 'boys' flat, I was particularly impressed with the contents of their freezer... good, healthy organic vegatables..... honest mum.

Saturday night we caught up with the uni ladies at a charity ball. After a nice pre-party session consisting of a game of 'F#$K YOU', we donned the DJ's and headed for the ball. Looking smart we were.

It was really good to see everyone again, and we larged it on the dancefloor, even incorporating a few of the 'Ceroc' moves we learnt the other week... albeit in some drunken, we kinda/kinda don't know what we're doing, but who cares sort of way... great fun.

Sunday we had a walk around Putney, through the park and around the Palace, a very 'family' orientated area. Too many sideways glances from Kat as the push-chairs rolled by for my liking though. Managed to avoid most of them.

This will make you laugh. Putney is only 18 miles from where we live, but it took one and a half hours to get there. And that's in average traffic. Isn't London great?

You see that though - that's sunshine that is!

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