Sunday, November 20, 2005

Elephants, hill tribes and jungle food

Alright peeps. Just got back from the 3 day trek we talked about last time. There was 8 of us (2 POM's, 2 Kiwi's, 3 Ozzies and a Canadian), an awesome group, which really made the trip a success. Stayed in the bamboo huts up in the mountains, played footy with the kids, let off fireworks etc... good fun. The kiwi-couple had fire poi's with them (which ended up being nicked overnight at the second village... another story) so put on a show for the village too, which they'd never seen before and thouroughly enjoyed. Nice to give them something back, as it's kinda strange waltzing into their village and eyeing them 'zoo-like'.

The elephant ride was really cool, but you felt for the elephants as the thai guys threatened them with sticks or catapults in order to keep them moving. Amazing creatures that deserve respect, I got to ride on the head too!

The funniest part of the trip was the bamboo rafting on the river on the last day - 3 rafts on a river, with us in good spirits. We lasted about 2 minutes before we started splashing the other boats, then jumped on them pirate style to push before off. Eventually, we took apart the bindings so the rafts came apart. The tour guide at the end of the run was cracking up with us lot 'swimming' in to power the delapidated raft!

Going for a meal tonight with the guys from the trip - the food was nice on the trip, but I can't wait to get my teeth into a peppered steak!

Will try and upload a couple of photo's before I sign off!

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