Well all, looks like after 4 weeks of trying we've finally manager to sell our house - WAHOO! It's a massive weight of our shoulders as now we'll be able to go and explore Thailand on the way back to the UK without the worry of building up a massive credit card debt. It should also give us a few bob to get set up back in London............. and................. relax....!
There's still lots to sort out before we leave, with shipping things home, organising travel insurance, house lawyers, bank mortgage pay-off etc... but it feels like the hard part has now been done.
Speaking of Thailand, if anyone's got any top tips for travelling there (we'll be there for 6 weeks!) then send us an e-mail... you know the address ;-)
We're heading away this weekend to a place called 'The garden of Eden' in Paradise, which is an out-of-the-way spot about 2 hours drive from our place. There's a few of us going - so we'll get some fishing done, a nice BBQ and beers, games etc... but there's also a nice log sauna and plunge pool on the grounds. There's no electricity there so we'll have to chop wood and stoke up the backburner to get hot water (and stoke up the sauna boiler!) and take plenty of candles.
Hmm.... now to find some portable battery powered speakers for my IPod!