Monday, August 29, 2005

Ohau Boarding weekend...

Aching now after a quality weekend away with the crew to Ohau.... about 2 hours drive from Queenstown.

12 of us drove up and stayed in a lodge at the base of the ski-field, next to a lake. A beautiful setting, but then it all is in NZ! After driving there on Friday night and settling into to the 'BOYS ROOM' bunks, we headed straight to the (reasonably priced) bar for some post drive bevvies. The bar was buzzing with a 'Contiki tour' (backpackers road trip thingy) who were all dressed in Toga's and 'pi$$ed as'. Funny stuff though, especially the midnight spa bath - 12 people in a 4 man tub is a bit of a squeeze!

The night from 15cm of fresh powder, which we were all grateful of, since it's been a pretty crap season in Queenstown this year. Up on the slopes for 9 a.m., we had a whole day of boarding in pretty good conditions. I'd forgotten how knackering boarding is, especially when you've not done it for a year.... and by 4 p.m. I was buggered.

The evening meal was quality, followed my more beers (naturally) in the bar, the Rugby game (NZ All Blacks vs. South Africa) and a laugh at the new Contiki crew, this time in 'dress to impress' mode!

Here's the link to Ohau's ski field - here

So yeah, quality weekend away with the boys and girls. Played 5-a-side tonight too - need to improve my fitness!

Right, emough waffle... things to do! I'll add some photo's when my mate Sian gets her ar$e into gear and e-mails me them!

Here are the photo's.

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