Monday, September 18, 2006

Five days of fasting

Hmmmm... food
Hmmmm... beer!

None of that for me this week, since somehow I've gotten myself into a detox thing. Our new housemates (we're now in Chiswick) have done it and claimed cracking results, and even shown us a video of the by-products, which grossed me out. Anyway, this is the stuff Kat and I are torturing ourselves with currently - here

And no, it's not a pyramid sales thing! To be honest, I'm kinda sceptical about the effects (and healthiness!) of the whole thing, but you know me - I'll try anything once!

There's a lot of nice food being made in the office today, I've gotta feeling these next 5 days will be tricky!

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Ultimate Frisbee in Leeds

Now history has it that our friend Hairy Claire sometimes lacks in the host department (but is somewhat more complete in other departments), but this weekend she did us proud with a quality weekend in Leeds.

A day in the park with beer, football and ULTIMATE FRISBEE was a welcome bit of exercise to clear the head from the 'F#$K You' inspired drinks of Friday night. Good to catch up with Caz and Pete too, as well as meeting the crazy flatmate of Claires... 'loopy Lou.' Thankfully, we didn't meet her other flatmate who is currently trying to grow penicilin in his food cupboard.

Bring on the May Leeds houseparty aye!

Sunday, April 30, 2006

Largin' it in Tenerife

Well, with work only 10 days away it's time to fit in a quick holiday. So where's cheap and cheery for a relaxing/lively break at this time of year? Yup, the classy Playa de las Americas in Tenerife!

Get out of the 'brits on parade' and there are some really nice areas in Tenerife, the 'El Teide' volcano being a magic day trip... 3700 odd metres, so don't try climbing this one!

Lozza had a good time too!

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

In da Wales

Easter in Wales eh! 6 of us headed of to Lllandudno for the weekend to get out of the city and breathe some fresh welsh air.

We climbed Snowdon (all 1085m of it) in under 2 hours up the Pyg track, which offers pretty damn good views, especially from the summit. Although it was a bit weird sharing the peak with about 50 other people!

Over the course of the weekend we sampled some welsh 'Oggie' (like a cornish pastie but with proper steak), visited some castles, ate lots of italian and did lots of walking.

Stayed at a nice B&B for 22 quid a night, which we can happily recommend. I really like Llandudno.... and Wales....

Monday, February 20, 2006

Czech please...

Prague for the weekend... luvverly. It certainly is too. A valentines weekend away as a surprise for Kat. Not quite up to the secrecy involved with my Steward Island weekend, but she was pleasantly surpised with my choice of location I think. Although I actually think she was more impressed with the man at the airport with the 'Kat and Rob' sign, especially since he was waiting with a black Merc... bonus!

The Riverside Hotel was sweet too, lunxurius in the old part of town, 10 minutes from the Charles Bridge, one of the main tourist attractions in Prague.

The town itself is beautiful, and I'm sure it would be pretty exciting for our architect friends. You can eat and drink cheaply if you avoid the tourist traps which are near the main attractions, with 50p pints and meals costing a few quid being the norm. Even a pig like me couldn't finish the plate of meat and dumplings!
Right, here's a couple more pics to show what I'm talking about.

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Love is in the air..

Valentines eh... hope you're all having a good one!

I've been told off for writing too much in these blog entries, so this one will be short and sweet. Not a great deal has happened over the last couple of weeks.

We have managed to explore a bit more of London, taking in the museums, seeing Cirque du soleil (impressive stuff) and SHOPPING in Covent Garden. However, still working on the job thing, but getting closer by the day, which is good, cause it's very easy to spend money here!

So here's a couple of local pictures - see, it's not that bad! You NZ architects out there would love it.

Sunday, January 29, 2006

A touch of class...

I like weekends. People do interesting things at weekends. Some people do nothing but laze about at home at weekends. Admittedly I have done that before, but whenever possible I do like to do something.

This weekend we caught up with some of the uni-crew at their place it Putney... luvverly area that is. They haven't changed a bit! A typical 'boys' flat, I was particularly impressed with the contents of their freezer... good, healthy organic vegatables..... honest mum.

Saturday night we caught up with the uni ladies at a charity ball. After a nice pre-party session consisting of a game of 'F#$K YOU', we donned the DJ's and headed for the ball. Looking smart we were.

It was really good to see everyone again, and we larged it on the dancefloor, even incorporating a few of the 'Ceroc' moves we learnt the other week... albeit in some drunken, we kinda/kinda don't know what we're doing, but who cares sort of way... great fun.

Sunday we had a walk around Putney, through the park and around the Palace, a very 'family' orientated area. Too many sideways glances from Kat as the push-chairs rolled by for my liking though. Managed to avoid most of them.

This will make you laugh. Putney is only 18 miles from where we live, but it took one and a half hours to get there. And that's in average traffic. Isn't London great?

You see that though - that's sunshine that is!