Monday, February 20, 2006

Czech please...

Prague for the weekend... luvverly. It certainly is too. A valentines weekend away as a surprise for Kat. Not quite up to the secrecy involved with my Steward Island weekend, but she was pleasantly surpised with my choice of location I think. Although I actually think she was more impressed with the man at the airport with the 'Kat and Rob' sign, especially since he was waiting with a black Merc... bonus!

The Riverside Hotel was sweet too, lunxurius in the old part of town, 10 minutes from the Charles Bridge, one of the main tourist attractions in Prague.

The town itself is beautiful, and I'm sure it would be pretty exciting for our architect friends. You can eat and drink cheaply if you avoid the tourist traps which are near the main attractions, with 50p pints and meals costing a few quid being the norm. Even a pig like me couldn't finish the plate of meat and dumplings!
Right, here's a couple more pics to show what I'm talking about.

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Love is in the air..

Valentines eh... hope you're all having a good one!

I've been told off for writing too much in these blog entries, so this one will be short and sweet. Not a great deal has happened over the last couple of weeks.

We have managed to explore a bit more of London, taking in the museums, seeing Cirque du soleil (impressive stuff) and SHOPPING in Covent Garden. However, still working on the job thing, but getting closer by the day, which is good, cause it's very easy to spend money here!

So here's a couple of local pictures - see, it's not that bad! You NZ architects out there would love it.