Wednesday, January 05, 2005

Happy New Year

2005 is here

Well, just started back at work today after a nice refreshing break on Slipper Island in the Coromandel, North Island NZ. Kat and I went up to Auckland boxing day to stay with friends for a couple of nights before heading off to the island paradise!

There were about 40 of us altogether, 8 of which we knew beforehand, but with 20 bottles of wine and 60 beers for 4 nights (average for a couple of people!) we soon got to know the others! Snorkelling, cricket, kayaking, running, fishing, swimming, footy were all on the agenda over the few days there, although we only had good weather for about half of the time. The bay there is like something from Fiji, with a gorgeous sandy beach and clear blue waters.

We camped for the 5 nights close to the other Aucklanders who stayed in the lodge. Nnew years eve was quality, and we watched the fireworks on the mainland at midnight.

Back to work today, so not much time to write. The usual mountain to catch up on, so I'll write again soon.

Hope everyone had a wicked New Years around the world. Finally found out Marek was at home over xmas today, so the worry of the tsunami in Thailand was finally resolved!
